The Cymbaloniq enables players to create haunting or sustained sounds from any crash or ride cymbal. By rotating the cymbal and “bowing” it with a special adjustable friction mallet, resonance can build into an intoxicating soundscape. Varying parameters such as the angle, size and texture of the mallet ball as well as its pressure and location on the cymbal will change the notes and their tonal characteristics. Attaching a resonator can add mid-range, low-end, reverberance or buzzing sounds.
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1. CLUTCH: A modified hi hat clutch which firmly grips the cymbal and the Z bar.
2. Z BAR: Connects to the clutch and the resonator. Spins freely in the Mount and the Handle.
3. HANDLE: Floats on the Z bar to enable easier spinning. (Some people prefer to spin the Z bar with no handle)
4. MOUNT: Held by the multi clamp , the Mount takes the Z bar and supports the clutch.
5. MULTI CLAMP: Holds the Mount onto any tubular stand. Clamp onto a cymbal stand, tom stand or tom arm.
6. SLIP STICK : The handle, ball and arm that “bows” the cymbal.
7. LOLLIPOP: The arm and ball part of the Slip Stick. A friction mallet with a spring steel arm. Comes in multiple sizes.
8. RESONATOR: Various styles attach either to the Clutch, Mount or long Z bar. Chambers or sheets of metal add tonal character. You can also use any drum as a resonator by positioning its head in contact with the mount.